Support Arts & Culture
Our culture needs you.

The Brown County Art Guild is dedicated to preserving Indiana’s artistic heritage and promoting talented artists of today. We exist to build a strong culture of artistic excellence now and for the future. Partially supported by grants, the Guild relies on our patrons, volunteers, and interns to sustain our mission. Everyone can play a role in the arts today and for future generations.
Support the arts.
Whether you are a collector of fine art or want to make a cultural impact as part of your personal legacy, the Brown County Art Guild welcomes your help. Patrons receive special discounts on all events, workshops, and purchases, as well as special invitations to patron-only occasions.
Join or renew as a benefactor.
Marie Goth……$5,000
V.J. Cariani……$2,500
Genevieve Graf……$1,000
Carl Graf……$500
Join or renew as a patron.